Transforming Gender Norms in Uganda

November 27, 2017

Emanzi Session Topics:

  1. Understanding Gender Roles and Stereotypes
  2. Men, Gender, and Health
  3. Healthy Relationships
  4. Pleasure in Relationships
  5. Understanding Violence Against Women
  6. Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy and Family Planning Methods
  7. Communication about FP
  8. Condoms
  9. Closing Reflections: Men and Change

The Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project in Uganda has implemented the revised Emanzi intervention in three districts and more than 3,000 men have graduated since the intervention started in 2015. The intervention was adapted from EngenderHealth's Men as Partners curriculum and the original Emanzi intervention, which was implemented by the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and evaluated by FHI 360. The curriculum consists of nine sessions and a community celebration where the men who graduate are given certificates with their wives.

Through the APC Uganda project, FHI 360 revised curriculum based on their previous evaluation findings with scale-up in mind. Each one-hour session is designed for 10–14 men and includes simplified key messages, role plays, and group discussions, and focuses on health relationships rather than HIV. The curriculum was also redesigned to be facilitated by a pair of community health workers, also known as village health team members, who are supervised by district officials trained as Emanzi master trainers.

In 2016, an evaluation of the program was conducted in Kasese District. Using the gender equitable men scale, men were asked a series of questions related to gender norms, violence, sexuality, masculinity, and reproductive health. Men’s attitudes toward gender norms improved significantly from pre-to post-intervention (~3 months) and continued to increase 6 months after completing the curriculum. This finding demonstrates that men retained the information learned through the Emanzi curriculum and that the intervention had lasting improvements in gender equitable attitudes. Additionally, across the three districts where Emanzi was implemented, more than 40 active Emanzi groups spontaneously started savings groups and income-generating activities. The activities include rearing chickens, pigs, and rabbits and pooling funds to buy household goods or pay for school fees. We look forward to publicizing details about this study once the results are published.

FHI 360's Frederick Mubira spoke about the Emanzi intervention at the Gender 360 Summit. Click here to watch.