Dominican Republic

The Dominican Network for People Living with HIV (REDOVIH+) helped Rosanna Terrero give back to others.


Lecciones aprendidas de una estrategia de colaboración entre la Dirección Regional de Salud V, organizaciones comunitarias, organizaciones nogubernamentales, y la sociedad civil.

August 19, 2016

On August 9th, 2016 the PEPFAR/USAID funded Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project held an event in San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic to celebrate the handover of the Respuesta Integral Expandida (RIE) strategy to the Health Region V Office.


En la República Dominicana, la epidemia del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) se caracteriza por estar concentrada en poblaciones como la de hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) y las mujeres trans. La prevalencia del VIH en HSH es de un 5.2 % , mientras que en algunos estudios en poblaciones trans, el VIH oscila entre 12 y 17 % .

Project Highlight

In the Dominican Republic (DR), APC project serves populations with the highest HIV prevalence by expanding coverage and improving the quality of HIV-prevention, care, and support services.

March 31, 2016

Through the Advancing Partners &Communities (APC) project, USAID has given the Dominican Republic’s Institute of Virological Studies (IDEV) the equipment to provide anal pap smear services, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, HPV, and anal dysplasia, as part of the HIV/STIs package of services.

March 10, 2016

Angela De Leon Navarro, the Programmatic Director of the APC project in the Dominican Republic, received recognition on International Women's Day from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) for her commitment as a faculty member at the School of Journalism.

March 08, 2016

The Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project in the Dominican Republic shared its thoughts on International Women's Day and the work the remains to be done in order to achieve gender equality.

December 03, 2015

On Friday, November 4, The Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project is hosting a dissemination meeting to present to key partners the findings and recommendations from an assessment of the health and social needs of trans persons in the Dominican Republic. The assessment was carried out in collaboration with the Center for Integrated Training and Research (COIN) with academic support from the Iberoamericana University (UNIBE), and the active participation of community-based organizations representing trans communities in the Dominican Republic.

The meeting will include work group sessions to encourage partners to use the assessment findings and begin planning follow up activities. Approximately 75 representatives from government, civil society, and donor agencies are expected to attend the event.

Join us as we work to integrate the needs of trans people into the national agenda.

December 03, 2015

Advancing Partners & Communities's Aysa Saleh-Ramirez considers the profound psychosocial barriers faced by transgender people in seeking and receiving HIV testing, prevention, treatment, and other basic health services.
