

Implemented by the IRC, the Childhood Blindness and Vision Impairment Capacity Building Project builds the capacity of local partner organizations to deliver quality eye care services. The project expands the availability of quality eye care services for children with visual impairment in the Kayin and Kayah States of Myanmar by supporting essential training and equipment.

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) provides care to Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Laotian refugees. Through the provision of essentials like food and water, medical care, and sanitation, the IRC assists approximately 140,000 Myanmar refugees as well. The organization also provides protection, legal assistance, and resettlement processing for abused women and children.


This annual report shares how DKT International provided 23.6 million couple years of
protection, preventing an estimated 8 million unwanted pregnancies. DKT International also started new programs in Myanmar and Tanzania now working in 19 countries that account for 60% of the world’s population.