
July 01, 2015

WellShare International and APC undertook a formative assessment to evaluate current knowledge, use, supply, and barriers to the uptake of ECPs in four districts of Uganda where CBFP programs are operating. This assessment is the first of its kind in sub- Saharan Africa.

To respond to the unmet need for family planning (FP) in Uganda, the Salvation Army Integrating Family Planning (SAIFaP) Project organized mobile outreach activities in hard to reach areas.


This brief details a formative assessment of emergency contraceptive pills at the community level in Uganda. The goal of this assessment is to generate information for the development of information, education, and communication materials for better integrating EC into existing community-based family planning programs.

Training Guide

This trainer’s guide provides content for training on the progestin-only injectable contraceptive Sayana® Press. These materials were first used in 2012 to train facility- and community-based providers on use of Sayana Press (formerly depo-subQ in Uniject) in acceptability studies in Senegal and Uganda.


APC recognizes the importance of addressing the unique needs of adolescents and youth as part of a comprehensive approach to strengthening community health systems and programs. Read about current APC youth activities in Asia and the Middle East; Nepal; Tanzania; Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname; Uganda; and in building connections with faith-based organizations.

Country Profile

This country profile is the outcome of a landscape assessment conducted by APC staff and colleagues. The landscape assessment includes specific attention to family planning with the purpose of collecting the most up to date information available on the community health system, community health workers, and community health services in country. These country profiles are part of APC's Community Health Systems Catalog, a resource intended for ministries of health, program managers, researchers, and donors. The catalog covers USAID priority countries for population and reproductive health and countries with a demonstrated interest in community-based family planning.


This presentation summarizes the progress of the Child Spacing Program in Uganda and challenges including staff attrition, lack of funds, and stock outs.

Reverend Charles Irongo and his wife Edith are happy to tell couples in their congregation how they used contraception to space their four children. The reverend, an Archdeacon at the Kyando Anglican Church of Uganda in southeastern Uganda, sees a clear connection between the church’s role in spiritual matters and health issues, like healthy timing and spacing of children.


Download the curriculum and trainer's guide used by APC Uganda to help teach adults to communicate with youth from a Christian perspective. Participants practice communication skills and learn factual information linked to religious teachings and appropriate Bible verses. The manual encourages open discussion about sexuality, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS in the context of the Christian community.


Photo of a midwife showing DMPA-IM to a client
Midwife shows a VHT member how to provide DMPA-IM to client during training. Photo credit: Evelyn Akumu, FHI 360.

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