gender-based violence (GBV)

November 30, 2017

Given mounting global evidence highlighting the correlation between experiencing violence and increased vulnerability to HIV infection, Guyana must tackle the causes of gender-based violence head-on.


This flowchart breaks down the process for GBV screening within HIV support services in Guyana.


This brochure provides information on how to get help for gender-based violence.

Training Guide

This screening tool was developed by APC Guyana to screen gender-based violence.


This brochure from Guyana provides information and important contacts for overcoming gender-based violence.


This directory from Guyana provides a rating system that is geared towards collecting information on how acceptable GBV services of each organization are for members of the key population.


This rapid assessment was conducted to gather information on the programmatic and capacity needs of the NGOs supported through APC to implement services for key populations as well as the structural challenges faced by these NGOs.


The following protocol was created to assist community-based nongovernmental organizations in Guyana with implementing gender-based violence screening. Social workers can use this tool to understand ways to detect GBV and to better prepare themselves for implementation of GBV screening.

November 27, 2017

The Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project in Uganda has implemented the revised Emanzi intervention in three districts and more than 3,000 men have graduated since the intervention started in 2015.

Through a grant awarded under Advancing Partners & Communities (APC), the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) provides grants to NGOs and works with selected grant recipients to improve their ability to manage their respective organizational systems to meet USAID requirements while providing effective HIV services for key populations. The activities ICRW focuses on involve targeting stigma and discrimination efforts, addressing gender-based violence, and integrating stigma-reduction activities in the national AIDS response.
