
This manual is part of a learning package focused on developing an advocacy strategy, specifically to advocate for policy change to address barriers to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The five-day curriculum is broken into 15 modules. Session 6 introduces goals and objectives of policy advocacy strategies and allows participants to develop goals and objectives for advocacy strategies they are creating.


This manual is part of a learning package focused on developing an advocacy strategy, specifically to advocate for policy change to address barriers to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The five-day curriculum is broken into 15 modules. Session 5 introduces methods to define a policy issue, including criteria to assess whether an issue is well suited for advocacy and the most appropriate policy solution.


This manual is part of a learning package focused on developing an advocacy strategy, specifically to advocate for policy change to address barriers to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The five-day curriculum is broken into 15 modules. Session 4 introduces the steps to develop and implement an advocacy strategy.


This manual is part of a learning package focused on developing an advocacy strategy, specifically to advocate for policy change to address barriers to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The five-day curriculum is broken into 15 modules. Session 3 reviews policy development frameworks and the basic steps of the policy development process and which advocacy activities to use to advocate for change.


This manual is part of a learning package focused on developing an advocacy strategy, specifically to advocate for policy change to address barriers to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The five-day curriculum is broken into 15 modules. Session 2 introduces basic elements of policy advocacy, provides definitions of key concepts, differentiates advocacy from similar concepts, and identifies types of policy change.


This manual is part of a learning package focused on developing an advocacy strategy, specifically to advocate for policy change to address barriers to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The five-day curriculum is broken into 15 modules. Session 1 welcomes participants to the workshop; reviews expectations, the agenda, and ground rules; and sets the tone of the workshop.


This manual is part of a learning package focused on developing an advocacy strategy, specifically to advocate for policy change to address barriers to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. The five-day curriculum is broken into 15 modules. The Facilitator’s Manual provides background on the workshop, tips for preparation and sample agendas as well as the prework assignment and pre/post test.

September 26, 2018

The PSAs, funded by USAID and the U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, were developed for television and radio by a working group comprising local writer Mosa Telford, local actors, NAPS representatives, community-based organizations, APC, and experts from JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.


El objetivo de este medio, es compartir las experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y buenas practicas, generadas por via de los Colaborativos que, bajo el liderazgo del Servicio Nacional de Salud funcionan en los 11 Servicios de Atencion Integral al VIH/sida priorizados de las provincias de Santo Domingo, La Romana, Santiago y Puerto Plata.

February 24, 2016

Join STOP AIDS NOW!, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, and UNAIDS for Communities Deliver: The Critical Role of Communities in Ending The AIDS Epidemic, on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at the Organization of American States. Please RSVP to Simret Teame at
