The Benin country profile provides an overview of the community health system in Benin according to the most up-to-date policies available. It particularly focuses on the country’s community health providers, the structures that support them, and the services they deliver across many health areas – with a spotlight on family planning. The profile is targeted towards policymakers, program implementers, donors, researchers, and others interested in the country’s community health system.
The table below captures key information from the full, downloadable country profile. The complete CHS Catalog data set is also available for download, including information for Benin.
Community Health Quick Stats
Main Community Health Policy / Strategy | Last Updated |
Number of Community Health Provider Cadres |
2 main cadres
Recommended Number of Community Health Providers |
Estimated Number of Community Health Providers |
Recommended Ratio of Community Health Providers to Beneficiaries |
Community-Level Data Collection | Yes |
Levels of Management of Community-Level Service Delivery |
National, department, health zone, district, community |
Key Community Health Program(s) |
National Community Health Support Program (PASCom); other health area-specific programs |
Key Policies and Strategies
Community Health Service, National Directorate for Health Protection, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2010. Directives Nationales pour La Promotion de la Santé au Niveau Communautaire. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
Maternal and Child Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2010. Prise en Charge Intégrée des Maladies de l’Enfant au Niveau Communautaire PCIME-C : Guide de l’Animateur pour la Formation des Relais Communautaires sur le Paquet Complet d’Interventions au Niveau Communautaire. Ministry of Health.
———. 2011. Protocole National de Prise en Charge de la Malnutrition Aigüe. Ministry of Health.
———. 2013. Plan d’Action National Budgétisé pour le Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale 2014–2018 au Bénin. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
Maternal and Child Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin and PATH. 2016. Introduction du Sayana®Press au Benin : Guide du Formateur. Ministry of Health.
Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2009. Plan National de Développement Sanitaire 2009–2018. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
———. 2010a. Paquet d’Interventions à Haut Impact par Niveau de Soins pour l’Atteinte des OMDs au Bénin. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
———. 2010b. Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle de Santé Sexuelle et de la Reproduction des Adolescents et Jeunes au Bénin 2010-2020. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
———. 2011. Stratégie Nationale pour la Réduction de la Mortalité Maternelle et Néonatale au Bénin : Deuxième Plan d’Opérationnalisation 2012–2015 (Draft). Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
———. 2017. Plan Stratégique de la Santé Communautaire 2017–2021. Ministry of Health.
———. n.d. Politique Nationale de Santé. Ministry of Health.
National Agency for Vaccination and Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2013. Plan Pluriannuel Complet de Vaccination 2014–2018. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
National Malaria Control Program, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2011. Plan Stratégique National de Lutte contre le Paludisme 2011–2015. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
National Non-Transmissible Disease Control Program, National Public Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2014. Plan Stratégique Intégré de Lutte contre les Maladies Non Transmissibles 2014–2018. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
National Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Medicine Program, Pharmacy and Medicine Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2009. Protocole de Prise en Charge des IST et du VIH/Sida basé sur les Pratiques Traditionnelles Efficaces au Bénin. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
National Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Medicine Program, Research and Training Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2013a. Plan Stratégique Quinquennal de la Médecine Traditionnelle au Bénin (2012–2016). Cotonou : Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
———. 2013b. Politique Nationale de la Médecine Traditionnelle au Bénin. Cotonou : Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
National Public Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2012. Plan Directeur National de Lutte contre Les Maladies Tropicales Négligées 2012–2016. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
———. 2015. Politique National de la Santé Communautaire. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).
———. 2016. Directives Nationales de Mise en OEuvre de la Politique National de la Santé Communautaire (Draft). Ministry of Health.
No author. 2009. Médicaments Essentiels Génériques par Classe Thérapeutique et Spécialités Correspondantes (accessed April 2017).