
The Haiti country profile provides an overview of the community health system in Haiti according to the most up-to-date policies available. It particularly focuses on the country’s community health providers, the structures that support them, and the services they deliver across many health areas – with a spotlight on family planning. The profile is targeted towards policymakers, program implementers, donors, researchers, and others interested in the country’s community health system.

The table below captures key information from the full, downloadable country profile. The complete CHS Catalog data set is also available for download, including information for Haiti.

Community Health Quick Stats

Main Community Health Policy / Strategy | Last Updated
  • Essential Services Package Manual: Norms, Standards and Procedures of Health Care Provision (Manuel du paquet essentiel de services: Normes, standards et procédures de l’offre de soins) | 2015
  • Master Plan for Health 2012-2022 (Plan directeur de santé 2012-2022) | 2013
  • Organization of Community Health Care (Organisation des soins de santé communautaire) | 2015
Number of Community Health Provider Cadres

1 main cadre: agent de santé communautaire polyvalent (ASCP)

Estimated Number of Community Health Providers

3,161 ASCP

Community-Level Data Collection Yes
Levels of Management of Community-Level Service Delivery

National, health department, district/community

Key Community Health Program(s)

ASCP Program

Key Policies and Strategies

Ministry of Health, Brazil, Ministry of Public Health and Population, Haiti, and Ministry of Health, Cuba. 2011. Formation de l’agent de santé communautaire polyvalent: cahier d’élève. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Brazil.

———. 2012a. Formation de l’agent de santé communautaire polyvalent: cahier de texte. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Brazil.

———. 2012b. Formation de l’agent de santé communautaire polyvalent: guide de formateur. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Brazil. Ministry of Public Health and Population, Haiti. 2012. Liste nationale des médicaments essentiels. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population. (Accessed April 2016).

———. 2013. Plan directeur de santé 2012-2022. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population. (Accessed April 2016).

———. 2015. Manuel du paquet essentiel de services. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population.

———. 2015. Organisation des soins de santé communautaire. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population.