The Senegal country profile provides an overview of the community health system in Senegal according to the most up-to-date policies available. It particularly focuses on the country’s community health providers, the structures that support them, and the services they deliver across many health areas – with a spotlight on family planning. The profile is targeted towards policymakers, program implementers, donors, researchers, and others interested in the country’s community health system.
The table below captures key information from the full, downloadable country profile. The complete CHS Catalog data set is also available for download, including information for Senegal.
Community Health Quick Stats
Main Community Health Policy / Strategy | Last Updated |
Number of Community Health Provider Cadres |
5 main cadres
Recommended Number of Community Health Providers |
Estimated Number of Community Health Providers |
Recommended Ratio of Community Health Providers to Beneficiaries |
Community-Level Data Collection | Yes |
Levels of Management of Community-Level Service Delivery |
National, regional, health district, community |
Key Community Health Program(s) |
Community Health Program (PSSC); Bajenu Gox Program, other programs in health-specific areas (e.g., TB, malaria, HIV and AIDS) |
Key Policies and Strategies
Community Health Unit, Directorate General of Health, Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2014. Politique Nationale de Santé Communautaire 2014–2018 (accessed October 2016).
———. 2014a. Plan Stratégique de Santé Communautaire 2014–2018 (accessed October 2016).
Directorate General of Health, Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2015. Guide du Monitoring des Activités Primaires.
———. 2014a. Formation des Matrones et des ASC en Planification Familiale/ Offre Initiale de Contraceptif Injectable en Sous Cutanée (OICU): Manuel du participant.
———. 2014b. Guide de formateur des acteurs communautaires de soins (ACs).
———. 2014c. Recyclage des acteurs communautaires de soins (ACs): prévention des hémorragies du postpartum dans les cases de santé – Guide du Formateur (accessed November 2016).
Fight against Malnutrition Unit, Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2015. Document de politique nationale de développement de la nutrition (2015–2025).
Food and Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2013. Protocole National de Prise en Charge de la Malnutrition Aigüe.
Ministry of Health and Prevention and Programme Santé USAID/Santé Communautaire. 2010. Module: Lutte contre les maladies de l’Enfant MANUEL DU PARTICIPANT (Relais, ASC, Matrone).
———. 2010a. Formation des acteurs communautaires en planification familiale/offre initiale de pilules: Guide du Formateur.
———. 2010b. Module: Nutrition Communautaire MANUEL DU PARTICIPANT (Relais, ASC, Matrone).
———. 2010c. Module: Paludisme MANUEL DU PARTICIPANT (Relais, ASC, Matrone).
———. 2010d. Module: Reproduction MANUEL DU PARTICIPANT (Relais, ASC, Matrone).
———. 2010e. Formation des Relais: Guide du Formateur des Relais Communautaires.
Ministry of Health and Prevention and Projet Santé Communautaire. N.d. Manuel de l’ASC/Matrone (accessed October 2016).
Ministry of Health and Prevention. 2007. Plan National Stratégique pour la Survie de l’Enfant (2007–2015).
———. 2009. Plan National de Développement Sanitaire (PNDS) (2009–2018) (accessed October 2016).
Ministry of Health and Social Action, Japanese Embassy of Senegal, National Program for the Fight against Malaria, and UNICEF. 2013. Manuel du DSDOM sur la prise en charge du paludisme de la diarrhée et des infections respiratoires aigües (accessed October 2016).
Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2014. Formation des Matrones et des ASC en Planification Familiale/Offre Initiale de Contraceptif Injectable en Intra Musculaire: Manuel du participant.
———. 2014a. PCIME-C : Manuel de l’Acteur Communautaire de Prévention de de Promotion.
———. 2014b. PCIME-C : Manuel de l’Acteur Communautaire de Soins.
———. 2015. Stratégie de communication pour la promotion de l’allaitement maternel exclusif 2015–2016.
Ministry of Health, Public Hygiene, and Prevention. N.d. Plan Stratégique de la Santé de la Reproduction 2012–2015 (accessed October 2016).
———. N.d. Politiques et normes de services de santé reproductive au Sénégal (accessed October 2016).
National Council for the Fight against AIDS, Republic of Senegal. N.d. Plan Stratégique National de Lutte contre le Sida 2014–2017 (accessed October 2016).
National Nutrition Program, Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2014. Politique Nationale pour l’Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant.
National Program for the Fight against Malaria, Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2014. Cadre Stratégique National de Lutte Contre le Paludisme au Sénégal 2014-2018 (accessed October 2016).
National Tuberculosis Control Program, Ministry of Health and Social Action. N.d. Plan Stratégique de Lutte Contre la Tuberculose au Sénégal (2013-2017) (accessed October 2016).
Reproductive Health and Child Survival Directorate, Ministry of Health and Social Action. 2013. Module de gestion communautaire de la diarrhée: Guide du formateur.
Reproductive Health Division, Ministry of Health and Prevention. 2010. Guide de formation des « Bajenu Gox. » (accessed October 2016).
———. N.d. Programme Bajenu Gox: Promotion de la santé de la mère, du nouveau-né et de l’adolescent. Orientations stratégique.
Water Supply and Sanitation Program of the Millennium, Directorate of Sanitation, Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation. 2013. Elaboration de document de politique et stratégie opérationnelle de l’assainissement rural au Sénégal.