
    Award Period:
    April 01, 2017 to July 31, 2017

 Country: Benin, DRC, Mozambique  |  Associated APC Country Office: USA - Washington, DC

Community Health Matters Focus Area:

PATH focuses on activities that require urgent and immediate attention in preparation for the Technical and Market Lead (TML) official start and support a seamless transition to the TML mechanism. This effort includes: 1) Engaging with two high-priority countries (Mozambique, Zambia) and two lower-priority countries (DRC, Uganda, and in collaboration with JSI, Benin) to understand the existing landscape, establish/solidify partner relationships and roles, and identify support needs for subsequent DMPA SubQ introduction planning under the TML; provide virtual support to advance activities in all countries; and 2) Developing the initial suite of resources to support communication, planning, and monitoring.

Keywords: Benin, DRC, Mozambique,