APC's approach for the sub-grant process is flexible and adaptable in order to meet the needs of USAID missions as well as technical teams and grantees. The grants solicitation & management team will serve as a "one-stop shop" for USAID and grantees, as appropriate, from solicitation design to grant close-out.
Steps of the RFA Process
Solicitation Development
RFAs can be written by USAID, APC, or jointly.
Release of Solicitation
Question and answer process is facilitated.
APC receives applications and reviews them for eligibility.
Application Evaluation
APC facilitates the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC).
As necessary, APC facilitates the best and final offer process before the TEC finalizes their selection(s).
APC issues a pre-award survey to selected applicants and prepares award documents for USAID approval.
Approval and Award
APC obtains Agreement Officer Representative (and if necessary, Office of Acquisition and Assistance) approval to issue the award.
Monitoring and Reporting
Technical oversight is determined and APC receives regular technical and financial reports from grantee.
As necessary, APC prepares subaward modifications.
APC submits final grantee reports to USAID and all other close-out actions are completed.
Please note, APC does not accept unsolicited applications from organizations looking for funding. Organizations interested in applying for funding through APC should monitor the Current Solicitation section of the website.