Community Health Systems Catalog: Key Policies and Strategies

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Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Public Health. 2005. The Essential Package of Hospital Services for Afghanistan. Kabul: Ministry of Public Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2010. A Basic Package of Health Services for Afghanistan – 2010. Kabul: Ministry of Public Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2011. National Health Management Information System - Procedures Manual Part I & II (accessed July 2016).

———. 2015. National Health Policy (2015- 2020) (accessed July 2016).

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Public Health, General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs, Avicenna Pharmaceutical Institute. 2014. National Essential Medicines List of Afghanistan (accessed August 2016).

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Public Health, General Directorate of Preventive Medicine, Community Based Health Care Department. 2012. Community Health Worker's Training Manual.

———. 2015. Community Based Health Care Strategy 2015-2020 (accessed July 2016).

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ministry of Public Health, Reproductive Health Task Force. 2012. National Reproductive Health Policy 2012-2016 (accessed July 2016).


Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Directorate General of Drug Administration, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. 2016. National Drug Policy 2016 with Essential Drug List and OTC List (accessed June 2017).

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Directorate General of Health Services. 2016. Community Based Health Care.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Directorate General of Health Services, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. 2011a. Operational Plan Community Based Health Care July 2011– June 2016; Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Programme. Dhaka: Directorate General of Health Services (accessed June 2017).

———. 2011b. Operational Plan Essential Service Delivery July 2011–June 2016; Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Programme. Dhaka: Directorate General of Health Services (accessed June 2017).

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. 2011. Strategic Plan for Health, Population & Nutrition Sector 2011–2016, Third Draft (accessed June 2017).

———. 2011a. Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program (2011–2016); Program Implementation Plan Volume 1 (accessed June 2017).

———. 2011b. National Health Policy (accessed June 2017).

———. 2016. Bangladesh Essential Health Service Package (ESP) (accessed June 2017).

Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Local Government Division, and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. 2011. National Urban Health Strategy 2011 (accessed June 2017).


Community Health Service, National Directorate for Health Protection, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2010. Directives Nationales pour La Promotion de la Santé au Niveau Communautaire. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

Maternal and Child Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2010. Prise en Charge Intégrée des Maladies de l’Enfant au Niveau Communautaire PCIME-C : Guide de l’Animateur pour la Formation des Relais Communautaires sur le Paquet Complet d’Interventions au Niveau Communautaire. Ministry of Health.

———. 2011. Protocole National de Prise en Charge de la Malnutrition Aigüe. Ministry of Health.

———. 2013. Plan d’Action National Budgétisé pour le Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale 2014–2018 au Bénin. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

Maternal and Child Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin and PATH. 2016. Introduction du Sayana®Press au Benin : Guide du Formateur. Ministry of Health.

Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2009. Plan National de Développement Sanitaire 2009–2018. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

———. 2010a. Paquet d’Interventions à Haut Impact par Niveau de Soins pour l’Atteinte des OMDs au Bénin. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

———. 2010b. Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle de Santé Sexuelle et de la Reproduction des Adolescents et Jeunes au Bénin 2010-2020. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

———. 2011. Stratégie Nationale pour la Réduction de la Mortalité Maternelle et Néonatale au Bénin : Deuxième Plan d’Opérationnalisation 2012–2015 (Draft). Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

———. 2017. Plan Stratégique de la Santé Communautaire 2017–2021. Ministry of Health.

———. n.d. Politique Nationale de Santé. Ministry of Health.

National Agency for Vaccination and Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2013. Plan Pluriannuel Complet de Vaccination 2014–2018. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

National Malaria Control Program, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2011. Plan Stratégique National de Lutte contre le Paludisme 2011–2015. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

National Non-Transmissible Disease Control Program, National Public Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2014. Plan Stratégique Intégré de Lutte contre les Maladies Non Transmissibles 2014–2018. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

National Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Medicine Program, Pharmacy and Medicine Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2009. Protocole de Prise en Charge des IST et du VIH/Sida basé sur les Pratiques Traditionnelles Efficaces au Bénin. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

National Pharmacopoeia and Traditional Medicine Program, Research and Training Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2013a. Plan Stratégique Quinquennal de la Médecine Traditionnelle au Bénin (2012–2016). Cotonou : Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

———. 2013b. Politique Nationale de la Médecine Traditionnelle au Bénin. Cotonou : Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

National Public Health Directorate, Ministry of Health, Republic of Benin. 2012. Plan Directeur National de Lutte contre Les Maladies Tropicales Négligées 2012–2016. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

———. 2015. Politique National de la Santé Communautaire. Ministry of Health (accessed April 2017).

———. 2016. Directives Nationales de Mise en OEuvre de la Politique National de la Santé Communautaire (Draft). Ministry of Health.

No author. 2009. Médicaments Essentiels Génériques par Classe Thérapeutique et Spécialités Correspondantes (accessed April 2017).

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Directorate of Primary Health Development, Ministry of Public Health, Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2016. Cadre stratégique de la participation communautaire en RDC. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2012. Normes de la zone de santé relative aux interventions intégrées de santé de la mère, du nouveau-né et de l’enfant en République Démocratique du Congo. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health.

Ministry of Public Health, Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2001. Politique nationale de la santé. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health (accessed May 2017).

———. 2007. Site des soins communautaires: guide de mise en oeuvre (PDF, 838 KB). Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health (accessed May 2017).

———. 2010. Liste nationale des medicaments essentiels. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health (accessed May 2017).

———. 2011. Guide de surveillance épidémiologique. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2012. Carnet de santé de l’enfant de 0 à 5 ans. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2012. Protocole de prise en charge de la malnutrition aigüe. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2016. Plan national de développement sanitaire 2016–2020: vers la couverture sanitaire universelle. Kinshasa: Ministry of Public Health (accessed June 2017).

National Multisectoral Program for the Fight against AIDS (PNMLS), Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2014. Plan stratégique national de Lutte contre le VIH et le sida 2014–2017. Kinshasa: PNMLS.


[No author]. n.d. Facilitator’s guide for iCCM.

Ministry of Health, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. 2005. Essential Health Services Package for Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health (accessed January 2017).

———. 2007. The Health Sector Development Program Harmonization Manual (HHM) First Edition. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health.

———. 2010. Health Sector Development Programme IV 2011/11–2014/15. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health (accessed January 2017).

———. 2012a. Community Based Nutrition: Training Guide for Training of Health Workers and Health Extension Workers. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health.

———. 2012b. Health Extension Program Implementation Guidelines (Revised). Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health.

———. 2012c. National Nutrition Programme June 2013–June 2015. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health.

———. 2012d. Road Map for Accelerating the Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Morbidity and Mortality in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health.

———. 2013a. Ethiopian TVET-System Model Curriculum, Health Extension Service Level III based on Occupational Standard. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health.

———. 2013b. Health Sector Gender Mainstreaming Manual. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health (accessed January 2017).

———. 2015a. Health Sector Transformation Plan. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health (accessed January 2017).

 ———. 2015b. Health Sector Transformation Plan Woreda Based Health Sector Annual Core Plan EFY 2008. Addis Ababa: Federal Ministry of Health (accessed January 2017).


Ghana AIDS Commission, Republic of Ghana. 2013. National HIV and AIDS, STI Policy. Accra: Ghana AIDS Commission.

Ghana Health Service. 2005. Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) The Operational Policy. Accra: Ghana Health Service.

Ministry of Health. 2007. National Health Policy. Accra: Ministry of Health.

———. 2009. Health Sector Gender Policy. Accra: Ministry of Health.

———. 2016. National Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Policy. Accra: Ministry of Health.

———. N.d. Under Five’s Child Health Policy: 2007-2015. Accra: Ministry of Health.

Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service. 2011. Policy on Immunization in Ghana. Accra: Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service.

Ministry of Health, Ghana National Drugs Programme (GNDP), Republic of Ghana. 2010. Ghana Essential Medicines List, Sixth Edition. Accra: Yamens Press. Ltd.

Ministry of Health, Quality Health Partners, World Health Organization. 2007. Human Resource Policies and Strategies for the Health Sector 2007–2011. Accra: Ministry of Health.

The Population Council, Inc., Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service. 2009. Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Community Health Volunteer’s Training Manual.

The Population Council, Inc., Ministry of Health, Ghana Health Service National Health Learning Materials Centre. 2009a. Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Community Health Officer Training Manual (Facilitator’s Guide) Volume 1. Kumasi: Editorial Office, National Health Learning Materials Centre, Human Resources Development Division, Ministry of Health/Ghana Health Service.

———. 2009b. Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Community Health Officer Training Manual (Facilitator’s Guide) Volume 2. Kumasi: Editorial Office, National Health Learning Materials Centre, Human Resources Development Division, Ministry of Health/Ghana Health Service.

———. 2009c. Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Community Health Officer Training Manual (Facilitator’s Guide) Volume 3. Kumasi: Editorial Office, National Health Learning Materials Centre, Human Resources Development Division, Ministry of Health/Ghana Health Service.


Ministry of Health, Brazil, Ministry of Public Health and Population, Haiti, and Ministry of Health, Cuba. 2011. Formation de l’agent de santé communautaire polyvalent: cahier d’élève. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Brazil.

———. 2012a. Formation de l’agent de santé communautaire polyvalent: cahier de texte. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Brazil.

———. 2012b. Formation de l’agent de santé communautaire polyvalent: guide de formateur. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, Brazil. Ministry of Public Health and Population, Haiti. 2012. Liste nationale des médicaments essentiels. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population. (Accessed April 2016).

———. 2013. Plan directeur de santé 2012-2022. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population. (Accessed April 2016).

———. 2015. Manuel du paquet essentiel de services. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population.

———. 2015. Organisation des soins de santé communautaire. Port au Prince: Ministry of Public Health and Population.


Central Monitoring Unit of ICDS, National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development. 2015. Integrated Child Development Services Scheme: Monitoring and Supervision. New Delhi: Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.

Central Pollution Control Board. 2004. Guidelines for Disposal of Bio-medical Waste Generated during Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP). New Delhi: Central Pollution Control Board.

Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 2013. Report No. 22 of 2012–13 Performance Audit of Integrated Child Development Services ICDS Scheme of Union Government, Ministry of Women and Child Development. New Delhi: Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Drug Controller of India. 2015. National List of Essential Medicines 2015 (accessed August 2016).

India Nursing Council. 2013. File No. 1-6/2012/INC: Eligibility Criteria for admission to ANM, GNM & B.Sc. (N) programmes – reg. New Delhi: Indian Nursing Council (accessed August 2016).

Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change. 2015. Biomedical Waste (Management & Handling) (draft). New Delhi: Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (accessed August 2016).

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. n.d. Universal Immunization Program. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2010. File No. 16-3/2004ME(Pt): Guidelines for Monitoring and Supervision Visits to ICDS Blocks and AWCs by Officials and State and Central Governments. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2011. File No. N-11012/3/2010-FP: Home delivery of contraceptives (condoms, OCPs, ECPs) by ASHA at the doorstep of beneficiaries. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2006a. Direction No. Z.28020/50/2003-CH: Review of the Policy Regarding Micronutrients – Iron Folic Acid (IFA). New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

———. 2006b. No. Z.28020/06/2005-CH: Use of zinc as an alternate therapy in the treatment of diarrhea. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

———. 2006c. Direction No. Z.28020/30/2003-CH: Vitamin A & IFA Supplementation. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of AIDS Control, Government of India. 2013. Updated Guidelines for Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission (PPTCT) of HIV Using Multi Drug Antiretroviral Regimen in India. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Family Planning Division, Government of India. 2013. IUCD Reference Manual for Medical Officers and Nursing Personnel. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Maternal Health Division, Government of India and National Rural Health Mission. 2013. Operational Guidelines & Reference Manual: Prevention of Postpartum Haemorrhage through Community Based Distribution of Misoprostol. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. n.d.a. Components of Job Training Course of Anganwadi Workers. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.

———. n.d.b. Curriculum for Refresher Training of AWWs. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.

———. n.d.c. Programme Schedule for Job Training Course for Anganwadi Workers. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India.

———. 2015. “Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme” (accessed August 2016).

National Health Mission and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. n.d.a. Frame­work for Implementation of National Health Mission 2012–2017. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. n.d.b. Operational Guidelines: Injection of Vitamin K Prophylaxis at Birth (In Facilities). New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. n.d.c. Guidebook for Enhancing Performance of Multi-Purpose Worker (Female). New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

———. 2014a. Home Based Newborn Care: Operational Guidelines (Revised 2014). New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2014b. INAP: India Newborn Action Plan. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2015. Guidelines for Rogi Kalyan Samities in Public Health Facilities. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

National Rural Health Mission and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. n.d.a. ASHA Module 6: Skills that Save Lives – Focus on Maternal and Newborn Health. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. n.d.b. ASHA Module 7: Skills that Save Lives – Focus on Child Health and Nutrition. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. n.d.c. Induction Training Module for ASHAs. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2006. Guidelines for Antenatal Care and Skilled Attendance at Birth by ANMs/LHVs/SNs. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2008. Community Monitoring of Health Services Under NHRM: Managers’ Manual. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2013a. Guidelines for Enhancing Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2013b. Loving Couples, Happy Families: Importance of Family Planning. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

———. 2013c. D.O. No. Z 28014/1/13-NHRM-IV. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

———. 2013d. Guidelines for Community Processes: ASHA, Village Committee, Support Structure. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2013e. Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK): Child Health Screening and Early Prevention Services under NRHM: Operational Guidelines. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

National Rural Health Mission and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Adolescent Division, Government of India. 2013a. Guidelines for Control of Iron Deficiency Anaemia. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

———. 2013b. Guidelines for Monthly Meeting of ASHAs at PHC. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

National Urban Health Mission and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. 2015. Guidelines for ASHA and Mahila Arogya Samiti in the Urban Context. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (accessed August 2016).

Social Justice Department, Government of Kerala. 2010. “Roles and Responsibilities of Anganwadi Workers” (accessed August 2016).


Ministry of Health, Division of Community Health Services. 2013a. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Basic Modules Handbook (accessed June 2017).

———. 2013b. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Integrated Curriculum (accessed June 2017).

———. 2013c. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Module 7: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (accessed June 2017).

———. 2013d. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Module 8: Community Nutrition (accessed June 2017).

———. 2013e. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Module 9: Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM).

———. 2013f. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Module 10: Maternal and Newborn Health.

———. 2013g. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Module 11: Family Planning (accessed June 2017).

———. 2013h. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Module 12: HIV, TB and Malaria.

Ministry of Health, Division of Community Health Services, Division of Non-Communicable Diseases. 2015. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) Module 13: Non-Communicable Diseases (accessed June 2017).

Ministry of Health, Republic of Kenya. 2007. Linking Communities with the Health System: The Kenya Essential Package for Health at Level 1: A Manual for Training Community Health Extension Workers. Nairobi: Ministry of Health, Sector Planning and Monitoring Department (accessed June 2017).

———. 2012. Kenya Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan July 2013 - June 2017. Nairobi: Ministry of Health (accessed June 2017).

———. 2013. A National Framework and Plan of Action for Implementation of Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) in Kenya 2013 – 2018 (accessed June 2017).

———. 2014a. Health Sector Human Resources Strategy 2014-2018. Nairobi: Ministry of Health (accessed June 2017).

———. 2014b. Kenya Health Policy 2014–2030. Nairobi: Ministry of Health (accessed June 2017).

———. 2014c. Strategy for Community Health 2014-2019. Nairobi: Ministry of Health, Community Health Unit (accessed June 2017).

———. 2016. Kenya Essential Medicines List 2016. Nairobi: Ministry of Health (accessed June 2017).

Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Division of Community Health Services. n.d. Training Community Health Committees in Kenya: The Handbook for Community Health Committees.

Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Division of Reproductive Health. 2010. National Family Planning Guidelines for Service Providers. Nairobi: Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Division of Reproductive Health (accessed June 2017).

Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, Office of the Director. 2011. Provision of Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA Injectable Contraceptive) by Trained Community Health Workers (CHWs).

Republic of Kenya, Public Service Commission, Directorate of Public Service Management. 2013. Scheme of Service for Community Health Services Personnel (accessed June 2017).


Community Health Services Division and Family Health Division, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia. N.d. National Guidelines for Initiating and Managing Community-Based Family Planning Distribution (CBD) Services.

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia. n.d. National Health and Social Welfare Policy and Plan 2011-2021 (accessed December 2016).

———. 2010. National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy.

———. 2011. Essential Package of Health Services. Primary Care: The Community Health System. Ministry of Health: Monrovia (accessed December 2016).

———. 2012a. General Community Health Volunteer Module I – Community-Based Management of Diarrhea in Childhood. Monrovia: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia (accessed December 2016).

———. 2012b. General Community Health Volunteer Module 2 – Community-Based Management of Malaria in Childhood. Monrovia: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia (accessed December 2016).

———. 2012c. General Community Health Volunteers Training Facilitator Guide (Community-Based Management of ARI in Childhood). Monrovia: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia (accessed December 2016).

———. 2014a. Liberia Community Health Road Map: July 1, 2014–June 30, 2017. Monrovia: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia (accessed December 2016).

———. 2014b. National Guidelines on Hygiene Promotion (accessed December 2016).

Ministry of Health, Republic of Liberia. n.d. National Leprosy and Tuberculosis Strategic Plan 2014–2018 (accessed December 2016).

———. 2015. Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System in Liberia 2015 to 2021 (accessed December 2016).

———. 2015a. Revised National Community Health Services Policy 2016–2021. Ministry of Health: Monrovia.

———. 2015b. Revised National Community Health Services Strategic Plan 2016–2021. Ministry of Health: Monrovia.

———. 2016a. Health Workforce Program Strategy.

———. 2016b. Liberian Health Information System Strategic Plan (Draft 2016–2021).

———. 2016c. National Community Health Assistant Curriculum 2016–2021: Module 1: Disease Prevention and Control.

———. 2016d. National Community Health Assistant Curriculum 2016–2021: Module 2: Reproductive, Maternal, and Neonatal Health.

———. 2016e. National Community Health Assistant Curriculum 2016–2021: Module 3: Child Health.

———. 2016f. National Community Health Assistant Curriculum 2016–2021: Module 4: Special Services.

National Technical Coordinating Unit, Republic of Liberia. 2012. Guidelines for Community-Led Total Sanitation Implementation in Liberia (accessed December 2016).

Republic of Liberia. n.d. Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Sector Strategic Plan for Liberia 2012–2017 (accessed December 2016).

———. 2007. National Health Policy and National Health Plan 2007–2011 (accessed December 2016).

———. 2014. National HIV & AIDS Strategic Plan 2015–2020 (accessed December 2016).


Ministry of Health and Family Planning, Republic of Madagascar. 2009. PDF icon Politique nationale de santé communautaire à Madagascar (PDF, 2.9MB). Antananarivo: Ministry of Health and Family Planning.

———. N.d. Guide de formation de l’agent communautaire: Prise en charge de la Fièvre de l’enfant de moins de 5 ans au niveau de la communauté. Antananarivo: Ministry of Health and Family Planning.

Ministry of National Education. 2013. Programme national d’alimentation, de nutrition, et de santé scolaire. Antananarivo: Ministry of National Education.

Ministry of Public Health, Republic of Madagascar and the Health Statistic Service. N.d. Rapport mensuel d’activités communautaires. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health.

Ministry of Public Health, Republic of Madagascar. 2012. Politique nationale en santé de la reproduction. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2013a. Plan stratégique de lutte contre le VIH et le SIDA 2013–2017. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health

———. 2013b. Plan stratégique de renforcement du système d’information sanitaire 2013–2017. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2014a. Guide de mise en oeuvre de la politique nationale de santé communautaire. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2014b. Liste nationale des médicaments essentiels et des intrants de santé à Madagascar. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health.

———. 2015. Plan de développement du secteur santé 2015–2019. Antananarivo: Ministry of Public Health.

Ministry of Water, Republic of Madagascar. 2013. Stratégie nationale de l’eau, de l’assainissement et de l’hygiène période 2013-2018. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.

Republic of Madagascar, USAID, and JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. N.d. Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Plan. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.

Republic of Madagascar. 2004. Guide PAC. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.

———. 2012. Plan national d’action pour la nutrition 2012–2015. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.

———. 2013. Plan stratégique de lutte contre le paludisme Madagascar 2013–2017. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.

———. 2015a. Plan national de développement. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.

———. 2015b. Stratégie nationale sur la couverture santé universelle Madagascar. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.

———. 2016. Politique nationale de la santé. Antananarivo: Republic of Madagascar.


Government of the Republic of Malawi. 2011. Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II 2011–2016. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi.

———. 2015. Malawi Costed Implementation Plan for Family Planning, 2016–2020. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed July 2016).

Government of the Republic of Malawi, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development. 2011. Open Defecation Free (ODF) Malawi Strategy 2011–2015. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Agriculture Irrigation and Water Development (accessed July 2016).

———. n.d.a. Community Based Maternal and Neonatal Care: Manual for HSAs. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed July 2016).

———. n.d.b. Comprehensive EPI Multi-Year Plan 2012–2016. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed July 2016).

———. n.d.c. Interim Guidelines for the Management of Acute Malnutrition through Community-Based Therapeutic Care. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed July 2016).

———. 2004. Handbook and Guide for Health Providers on the Essential Health Package (EHP) in Malawi. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi.

———. 2005. National Community Home Based Care Policy and Guidelines. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed 2016).

———. 2006a. IMCI Approach Policy for Accelerated Child Survival and Development in Malawi. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi.

———. 2006b. National Reproductive Health Strategy 2006-2010. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health.

———. 2007a. Guidelines for Community Health Initiatives for Reproductive Health. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2007b. Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2007–2011. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed 2016).

———. 2007c. National Standards Youth Friendly Health Services. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2008. Community Based Injectable Contraceptive Services Guidelines. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2009a. Health Surveillance Assistant: Course Curriculum. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi.

———. 2009b. Health Surveillance Assistant Training Manual Facilitator's Guide. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2009c. Youth Friendly Health Services Training Manual. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2011a. Guidelines for the District Implementation Plans for 2012/13. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi.

———. 2011b. Malawi Health Sector Strategic Plan 2011–2016. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2011c. Guidelines for Family Planning Communication. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2012a. Kutengera Kulera Khomo Ndi Khomo M'Malawi (CBDA Participant Manual). Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed July 2016).

———. 2012b. Malawi National Plan for the Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2012c. National Tuberculosis Control Programme: Five-Year Strategic Plan: 2012–2016. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2012d. National Tuberculosis Control Programme: Manual. Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Health (accessed July 2016).

———. 2013a. Health Promotion Policy. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed July 2016).

———. 2013b. National Health Surveillance Assistant Programme. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi.

———. 2013c. Malawi Child Health Strategy. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi.

———. 2014a. Clinical Management of HIV in Children and Adults. Lilongwe, Malawi: Government of Malawi (accessed July 2016).

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