GM-0005: Advancing Partners and Community-based Family Planning Project (Category B)

    Award Period:
    October 01, 2013 to July 31, 2015

 Country: Ghana  |  Associated APC Country Office: USA - Washington, DC

Community Health Matters Focus Area:

Through a grant awarded under Advancing Partners & Communities (APC), DKT International plans to expand access to short-term FP methods and condoms through community-based service delivery. DKT Ghana will advertise on local radio stations and distribute products in the majority of existing private sector local outlets. These outlets include pharmacies, chemical shops, gas station shops, and supermarkets, as well as non-traditional outlets such as drinking spots, female sex worker (FSW) meetings locations, university residence halls, and NGOs. The project will also introduce bicycle salespeople to further extend the reach and availability of both FP and behavior change messaging and commodities at the community level.

Keywords: Ghana, capacity building, family planning, sexual and reproductive health