GM-0045: Integration of Family Planning Services into Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Programs, Food Assistance Programs, or other Non-health Sector Programs

    Award Period:
    February 01, 2014 to January 31, 2016

 Country: Tanzania  |  Associated APC Country Office: USA - Washington, DC

Community Health Matters Focus Area:
Through a grant awarded under Advancing Partners & Communities (APC), Pathfinder International is increasing access to family planning by integrating family planning and reproductive health into an existing conservation program in Tanzania. Pathfinder is both leveraging the presence of conservation programs to increase access to FP services and raising awareness of the links between family planning and general ecosystem health. The project will build the capacity of village leaders to use existing family planning counseling materials, recruit and train CBDs, establish formal links with the local health workers, strengthen contraceptive supply chains, and increase access to long-acting and permanent methods (LAPM).
Keywords: Tanzania, family planning, maternal and child health