GM-0038: Expanding Community-based Access to Injectable Contraception

    Award Period:
    January 01, 2014 to December 31, 2017

 Country: Zambia  |  Associated APC Country Office: USA - Washington, DC

Community Health Matters Focus Area:

Through a grant awarded by Advancing Partners & Communities (APC), ChildFund plans to further develop Community-Based Access to Injectable Contraceptives (CBA2I) programming In Zambia. Through the establishment of an economical and sustainable learning site, ChildFund will gather Zambian community representatives, as well as members from other countries and NGOs, to observe best practices for operating CBA2I programs. The program will focus on scaling up the community health worker (CHW) administration of injectables throughout the country, working closely with government officials to ensure the sustainability of the community health systems model.

Keywords: Zambia, CBA2I, family planning, injectable contraceptives, training