
To support providers with the integration of FP and HIV services, APC Uganda developed and distributed supportive materials, such as Q&A guide for providers to respond to frequently asked questions.


In Guyana, where more than 8,400 people are living with HIV and AIDS, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in the fight against HIV and AIDS. In 2016, NGOs conducted 31 percent of the country’s HIV testing, making them an important partner in the country’s efforts to reduce the rate of transmission. NGOs also provide up to 50 percent of all services for people living with HIV.

May 24, 2018
General News

In Guyana, where more than 8,400 people are living with HIV and AIDS, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) play a critical role in the fight against HIV and AIDS. In 2016, NGOs conducted 31 percent of the country’s HIV testing, making them an important partner in the country’s efforts to reduce the rate of transmission. NGOs also provide up to 50 percent of all services for people living with HIV.

Under PEPFAR, USAID provides financial support to the Muñoz Clinic through the APC project for the provision of HIV care and treatment for migrant populations, most of who are of Haitian descent and live in very poor communities known as bateyes.

Since October 2016, IDEV has been implementing the WHO-recommended "Treatment for All" policy which involves immediate initiation of ART for individuals newly diagnosed with HIV, regardless of their CD4 cell count.

Implementation of Test and START at the six PEPFAR/USAID-supported HIV clinics has reduced the patient treatment initiation window from 30 days in early 2017, to an average of seven days by September, extending the benefits to patients and the health system.

In October 2017, the HIV clinic at Ricardo Limardo, a public hospital partnered with APC grantee, the Center for Human Promotion and Solidarity (CEPROSH) and the community-based organization Grupo Clara to improve the quality of their HIV services.


Lecciones aprendidas de una estrategia de colaboración entre la Dirección Regional de Salud V, organizaciones comunitarias, organizaciones nogubernamentales, y la sociedad civil.

December 03, 2015

On Friday, November 4, The Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project is hosting a dissemination meeting to present to key partners the findings and recommendations from an assessment of the health and social needs of trans persons in the Dominican Republic. The assessment was carried out in collaboration with the Center for Integrated Training and Research (COIN) with academic support from the Iberoamericana University (UNIBE), and the active participation of community-based organizations representing trans communities in the Dominican Republic.

The meeting will include work group sessions to encourage partners to use the assessment findings and begin planning follow up activities. Approximately 75 representatives from government, civil society, and donor agencies are expected to attend the event.

Join us as we work to integrate the needs of trans people into the national agenda.

December 03, 2015

Advancing Partners & Communities's Aysa Saleh-Ramirez considers the profound psychosocial barriers faced by transgender people in seeking and receiving HIV testing, prevention, treatment, and other basic health services.
